Eric Painter of Texas Examines How Music Provides Soothing Benefits to Young Adults

Sugar Land, TX / Eric Painter has a deep love of music and believes it is essential in most people’s lives. However, he also knows that it can have surprisingly deep emotional benefits for many young individuals, creating the kind of long-lasting calm and relaxation that they want and deserve. Therefore, he thinks it is crucial for those struggling with difficult emotions to consider learning more. 

Why Eric Painter of Texas Believes in the Power of Music

Over the years, Eric Painter has been a long-time fan of music and believes it is a powerful way to help many people heal and recover from various issues. For example, he has particularly noted how many types of music help young teens and adults with multiple emotional troubles. But, of course, these benefits will vary based on many factors, including the kind of music that a person enjoys.

Eric Painter Sugar Land (25)

For example, he used music as a young person to feel connected to others, using the emotion expressed in his favorite songs to understand himself and his feelings. Knowing that others felt the same way made it easier to handle society and its unique demands. And music also served as a sort of cathartic release, which made him vent his negative emotions. 

And Eric Painter of Texas knows that these benefits are often more pronounced in young people. This is because they don’t have the kind of emotional control that is common for older adults. They simply don’t have the experience required to handle this difficulty and contain higher hormone levels than many adults. As a result, they need a source of relief like music to feel better about life. 

Struggling with Emotional Issues? Eric Painter of Texas Weighs In

What kind of music works the best for adults and young people struggling with these emotional issues? That all depends on the type that they enjoy. Studies have found that calming music, like classical or even ambient albums, may help many people feel relaxed. However, for teens or young adults used to more aggressive or beat-driven music, these albums may not work right for their needs. 

Is it essential for young people to avoid music with negative or even violent emotions? Eric Painter loathes telling anybody what they should or should not enjoy. However, he has also read of many studies that find that violent or aggressive music does cause emotional changes, such as making a person angrier. In this situation, he feels this type of music could be a problem for a sensitive individual. 

However, he still believes that music of all types is better than none. And some people find that aggressive music releases pent-up angry energy that they may spend towards others. The results will vary for each person. That said, these benefits are particularly noticeable in those who make music, which is why music education is such an essential element of many young people’s lives.